


骚扰 & 歧视




文件一个 报告










骚扰 and discrimination that occurs based on one or more of the following protected 特征是法律和TCU政策禁止的.008:

  • 年龄
  • Color
  • 残疾
  • 性别
  • 性别认同或表达
  • 遗传信息
  • 国籍或民族出身
  • 比赛
  • 宗教
  • 性取向
  • 资深地位

The unlawful treatment of an individual based on the individual’s age, race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, ethnic origin, disability, predisposing genetic information, covered veteran status, and any other basis protected by law that unreasonably interferes with or limits an individual’s ability to participate in or to realize the intended benefits of an institutional activity, employment, receipt of reasonable accommodations or 其他资源.


  • 教员因为学生的种族而给学生较低的分数;
  • a staff person receiving a negative performance review based on sexual orientation;
  • a student with a disability who does not receive academic accommodations from their 教练.

Generally, harassment is a form of discrimination that is that is unwelcome verbal or physical conduct based on an individual’s age, race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, ethnic origin, disability, predisposing genetic information, covered veteran status, and any other basis protected by law that is severe, persistent or pervasive that it would create 敌对的工作或学习环境.

A hostile 环境 can be created by persistent or pervasive conduct or by a single 或者是孤立事件,如果足够严重的话. 行为越严重,就越少 need there is to show a repetitive series of incidents to prove a hostile 环境, 特别是如果行为是身体上的. 一起非自愿的性行为 contact or intercourse, for example, may be sufficiently severe to constitute a hostile 环境. 相比之下,一个口头或书面的冒犯 expression, standing alone, is typically not sufficient to constitute a hostile 环境.

Retaliation is an any action taken against any person because the individual filed a good faith 报告 or formal complaint alleging conduct of the type prohibited by this policy or because the individual has testified, assisted or otherwise participated in an investigation of conduct of the type prohibited by this policy or in related 诉讼. 报复可以采取多种形式,包括但不限于不利的报复 action or violence, threats, acts of intimidation, other acts of harassment or discrimination.

A bias incident is an act or behavior motivated by the offender’s bias against another’s identity which may include but is not limited to, race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, immigration status, 年龄,残疾,遗传信息或退伍军人身份. 是否会产生偏见 the act is intentional or unintentional, may be directed toward an individual or group 可以由个人或团体发起. 偏见事件可能导致 营造不安全或不受欢迎的环境.

Racial and Ethnic Stereotype Themed Events - Student organizations or individuals who host theme parties that encourage people to wear costumes and/or act out in ways that reinforce racial and/or ethnic stereotypes are bias incidents that do not reflect 包容的社区.

Bias in the Classroom - Instructors who make comments based on assumptions, biases 或者对受保护阶层的刻板印象,我.e. 女性,宗教少数派, racial minority groups, or people with disabilities are exhibiting behaviors that 会构成有偏见的事件吗.

Bias in the Work Place - Making comments, jokes, or gestures based on protected class 身份可能会造成充满敌意的工作环境. 甚至展示图片和项目 that convey sexually inappropriate messages may also contribute to the climate in 工作场所.

A microaggression is defined as “brief and commonplace daily verbal, behavioral, or 环境al indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate 敌对的、贬损的或否定的...轻视和侮辱. (Wing Sue, 2007) while inappropriate and sometimes hurtful, does not rise to the level of illegal harassment 大多数情况下是歧视.


  1. Microassaults – Direct and explicit verbal or nonverbal communications that intend to express a 有目的和歧视性的陈述.
  2. Microinsults – Comments that communicate rudeness, insensitive or that potentially demean a person’s 种族遗产或身份. 很多时候,这个人可能相信他们在传递信息 赞美,但他们实际上是在传达一种侮辱.
  3. Microinvalidations – Verbal comments or behavior that negate, nullify or reduce the experiential reality 有色人种的. 这些都是否认种族主义和歧视的行动和行为. 当一个人破坏目标群体的斗争时,就会产生无效.


  • 在课堂上使用异规范的比喻或例子.
  • Using inappropriate humor that degrades students from different identity groups.
  • Asking individual students to represent the opinions and/or belief from a particular 亲密团体
  • Failing to correctly pronounce the names of students after a student has provided 多次正确发音.


  • Referencing that affirmative action was the reason a colleague received a promotion 或雇用
  • Complimenting a person of color by stating they “are so articulate” or “speak very 在会议上
  • 问一个有种族血统的人:“你从哪里来??”


  • Grabbing your personal belongings or crossing the street to avoid a male or color
  • 比如说,“我看不出肤色,我对每个人都是一样的.”
  • 抚摸一个留着民族发型的人的头发

A hate crime occurs when there has been a violation of a state's criminal laws, and that violation of the law was motivated, in whole or in part, by the offender's bias toward the victim's actual or perceived age, color, disability, gender identity or expression, genetic information, marital or familial status, national or ethnic origin, 种族、宗教、性别、性取向或退伍军人身份. 

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